Kiwi Ingenuity

Thoughts from another perspective

Temporary Storage Service for WPF

Sometimes there is a requirement to temporarily store an object that can be later retrieved.  My particular problem at the time was that I wanted to share a View Model with a second view, but alas neither view knows about one another.

My first thought was to store the view model object temporarily in a Unity Container.  That way I could easily retrieve the object at a later time. This solution was not satisfactory however because this was only suppose to be a temporary storage solution and Unity does not support any unregister operation.  Not having the ability to remove (unregister) the object was not an option.

My solution was to create a Temporary Storage Service. The service I am demonstrating here allows for the Deposit and the Withdrawal of data (objects).  Some people may want to store the data for a little bit longer than straight in and straight out.  This solution could easily be modified to suit.

My Temporary Storage Service looks like this.

public class TemporaryStorageService : ITemporaryStorageService
    public void Deposit<T>(Object o, string key)
        System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties[key] = o;

    public T Withdraw<T>(string key)
    {   T o = (T)System.Windows.Application.Current.Properties[key];
        return o;


The Interface

publicinterface ITemporaryStorageService
   void Deposit<T>(Object o, string key);
   T Withdraw<T>(string key);

Register the service with Unity

// Temporary Storage Service
ITemporaryStorageService temporaryStorageService = new TemporaryStorageService();


Now I can call my Service whenever I need to store any Objects temporarily.  As I said above my immediate need was to store a view model temporarily.  So this is what I did.

My first view creates a new view model and immediately puts it in temporary storage

public class SomeWindow : Window
    ITemporaryStorageService _temporaryStorageService; 

    public SomeWindow(ITemporaryStorageService temporaryStorageService)
        this._temporaryStorageService = temporaryStorageService;

    public SharedViewModel VM
            this.DataContext = value;

            // We will store the view model in the Application Properites
            this._temporaryStorageService.Deposit<SharedViewModel>(value, "SharedViewModel");


Then when I initialise my second view I call upon the stored viewmodel.

public CashBook.MVVM.Services.ITemporaryStorageService TemporaryStorageService
      this.DataContext = value.Withdraw<SharedViewModel>("SharedViewModel");


Works like a charm!

Comments (1) -

  • Shaun

    5/20/2010 2:21:46 PM | Reply

    Thanks a lot! I had the exact same problem and this worked like a charm.
